# Sample Apache 2.2 configuration file for GestioIP with authentication # against a MS-Active directory and virtual host. # To access to GestioIP create a DNS entry for gestioip.domain.org and # access to http://gestioip.domain.org # You need to adapt the paths to the paths of your Linux distribution # (this is for Debian) # NOTE: This is pure Apache. There are many examples of # Apache configurations which work with LDAP. So if it doesn't # work after the first try search WWW or Apache mailing lists # for solution. E.g. search for "Apache LDAP authentication" ServerName gestioip.domain.org DocumentRoot /var/www/gestioip Alias /gestioip "/var/www/gestioip" AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AddDefaultCharset utf8 AllowOverride None DirectoryIndex index.cgi Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks AuthType Basic AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on AuthBasicProvider ldap AuthName "GestioIP - Authentication against AD" # user to connect to the LDAP/MS-Active Directory (only read access required) AuthLDAPBindDN "username" AuthLDAPBindPassword "password" AuthLDAPURL "ldap://dc.domain.org:389/ou=User,dc=domain,dc=org?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)" NONE Require ldap-group OU=MYGROUP,DC=domain,DC=org Order allow,deny Allow from all ErrorDocument 401 /gestioip/errors/error401.html ErrorDocument 403 /gestioip/errors/error403.html ErrorDocument 404 /gestioip/errors/error404.html ErrorDocument 500 /gestioip/errors/error500.html AddHandler cgi-script .cgi AddDefaultCharset utf8 AllowOverride None Options ExecCGI ErrorDocument 401 /gestioip/errors/error401.html ErrorDocument 403 /gestioip/errors/error403.html ErrorDocument 404 /gestioip/errors/error404.html ErrorDocument 500 /gestioip/errors/error500.html AddDefaultCharset utf8 AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all ErrorDocument 401 /gestioip/errors/error401.html ErrorDocument 403 /gestioip/errors/error403.html ErrorDocument 404 /gestioip/errors/error404.html ErrorDocument 500 /gestioip/errors/error500.html AddDefaultCharset utf8 AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all ErrorDocument 401 /gestioip/errors/error401.html ErrorDocument 403 /gestioip/errors/error403.html ErrorDocument 404 /gestioip/errors/error404.html ErrorDocument 500 /gestioip/errors/error500.html AddDefaultCharset utf8 AllowOverride None Satisfy any Allow from all ErrorDocument 401 /gestioip/errors/error401.html ErrorDocument 403 /gestioip/errors/error403.html ErrorDocument 404 /gestioip/errors/error404.html ErrorDocument 500 /gestioip/errors/error500.html