IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator GestióIP
IP address management software

IPv4 IPv6
IP address
Prefix length   

IP address24a6:57:c:36cf:0:5efe:6dcd:8c74/64
typeGLOBAL-UNICAST - (ISATAP) [rfc4214])
Prefix length64
network range
total IP addresses18446744073709551616

IP address (full)24a6:0057:000c:36cf:0000:5efe:6dcd:8c74
integer ID48714136019638657487972065414738709620
hexadecimal ID0x24a60057000c36cf00005efe6dcd8c74
dotted decimal ID36.
base 85 IDaW55zYzj_Vp}J
binary ID
ip6.arpa Format4.7.c.8.d.c.d.6.e.f.e.
MS ipv6.literal.net24a6-57-c-36cf-0-5efe-6dcd-8c74.ipv6-literal.net

Additional ISATAP information (24a6:0057:000c:36cf:0000:5efe:6dcd:8c74)
Embedded IPv4 address109.205.140.116

subnet-level I

IPv4/IPv6 subnet calculator and hierarchical IPv6 addressing plan builder

This is the online version of GestióIPv3's embedded subnet calculator. GestióIP is a free, web-based IP address management software.

To calculate an IP address select the IP version, introduce an IP address, choose a bitmask/prefix length and click "calculate".

In addition to the standard subnet calculator functions it can also be helpful in configuring IPv6 reverse DNS delegation as well as it can be used as IP address converter. It accepts the following IP address formats as input: dot-decimal notation (IPv4), colon-hexadecimal notation (IPv6), binary, integer, hexadecimal.

The subnet calculator includes an advanced IPv6 addressing plan builder which permits to create organization specific hierarchical IPv6 address allocation schemes. Read more...

For suggestions, comments or bugs relating to the subnet calculator mail to subnet_calculator@gestioip.net

last change: 28/01/2021

Online Subnet Calculator GestióIP Copyright © Marc Uebel 2017